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Winter Walking in Alta Badia

For those preferring the serenity of the woods to get away from the traffic on the ski slopes, Alta Badia offers 80 km of well-indicated pathways where you can set out on snowy excursions. If you love winter walks, then this is the right place for you. Here are our suggestions to take advantage of this extraordinary place.

You will have the opportunity to choose between 80 km of well-marked paths, where you can enjoy hiking in the snow-covered nature.

Thanks to the ski lifts you can easily reach the paths on the plateaus and the starting points of distant walks. Along the way you can take a well-deserved break in the mountain huts, where you will be welcomed by the typical South Tyrolean hospitality with delicious traditional dishes.

Here are our tips to experience this extraordinary environment.

passeggiati invernali inverno alta badia

Walks through the Störes meadows to the Pralongià plateau

Starting from the village of San Cassiano, take the path on the right towards the Störes meadows. The hike can reach the Störes meadows or continue towards the Pralongià plateau.

Walks to the meadows of Armentara

Starting from La Valle, go towards Spëcia and take path number 15, which leads directly to the Armentara meadows. The route leads to the Massiccio Santa Croce, where you can visit the homonymous sanctuary.

To the Cherz – Incisa plateau

Starting from Passo Campolongo, in particular from Planac, take path number 24. Continue on the path and you will reach the Cherz-Incisa plateau.

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