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Movimënt park in Alta Badia:
an open gym in the Dolomites

To get fit and do sport during summer surrounded by the beautiful Dolomites, you have to visit Movimënt park, Alta Badia's innovative open gym. Movimënt is located at 2000 meters on the plateau among the small towns of Corvara, La Villa and San Cassiano. From here you can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view on the wonderful Dolomites, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Movimënt is divided into 3 areas, each offering different activities.

The first one is Piz La Ila, dedicated to action activities: here you can train to climb, do ski exercises in preparation to the winter season, do balance exercises on a dedicated path and relax in the innovative Kneipp path.

The second are is located at Piz Sorega, entirely dedicated to the cave bear. In this area, ideal for families and kids, you can explore a true cave, have fun with beautiful water games, learn the secrets of archaeology and play miniature golf.

The third and last area, located at Pralongià, will allow you to dive in alpine nature and bow shooting.

To reach the Movimënt area and get fit on the beautiful Dolomites, you can use the many lift systems of Piz Sorega, Piz La Ila, Col Alto and Braia Fraida. At the lift systems you can also buy the Mountain Pass, which will grant you reductions on the tickets.

The high-altitude parks for families and children:
Movimënt park in Alta Badia

The Movimënt parks in Alta Badia are designed for families with children.

The parks on Piz Sorega and Piz La Ila are equipped with climbing walls for the first exercises, zipper lines, giant trampolines and caves.

In the park on the Pralongià you can learn about the flora of the Dolomites, thanks to the numerous didactic signs inside the park.

The Movimënt parks are totally free and you can rent trekking baby carriages to move around the various areas of the parks.

Discover the Movimënt Parks in Alta Badia!

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